

Since 2018, the Rasa Family Centre has been a home for women in crisis situations.

In 2022 a new crisis developed in our part of the world and we have been called upon to provide temporary housing for refugees from Ukraine.

It has been a busy and, at times, chaotic time with people of three different languages (Romania, Ukrainian, and English) trying to communicate with each other in the Rasa Family Centre.

It has also been a blessed time as we have had opportunities to share the Gospel and Christ’s love in a tangible way.

We have also been providing and transporting food and supplies to churches in Ukraine for distribution to needy families who have remained there.

Please visit our donate page to make a special donation for our work in support of the people of Ukraine.

Please pray for us during this challenging time that we will have the strength and resources to continue our usual work in the Rasa area in addition tro providing temporary housing for the refugee families.