To spread a passion for the glory of God through Jesus Christ to lost and hurting people so individual lives can be changed, families can be restored, and communities can have hope.
Minister to widows, young mothers in crisis, and orphans through
- shelter and programming in our Family Life Centre
- the provision of short term needs for food, clothing, and heating fuel
- emergency housing
Train and equip men and women through
- life skills programming in our Family Life Centre
- the establishment and oversight of a construction crew
Engage in evangelism by
- hosting ministry teams
- working alongside local pastors
- community outreach
- distributing Christmas hampers, gift bags, and programming
Biblical Authority
- the Bible is our authority for how we carry out our mission
Grace & Truth
- we believe and share that we all have fallen short of God's glory and are in need of a Saviour
- we believe and proclaim that none of us have fallen so far as to be out of reach of God's mercy
Faith & Works
- we believe our faith must be accompanied by practical help to people in desperate situations
- we believe and have experienced that good works provides opportunity for many to meet Jesus